Key Differences between Native and Hybrid mobile Apps

Posted on:

July 24th, 2024

Reading Time:

3 Minutes read

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Are you uncertain about whether to choose Native or Hybrid app development? So don’t worry because in this article we are going to discuss the clear difference between hybrid and native apps.

Hybrid mobile application: 

Hybrid apps are applications that combine elements of both native and web apps and the developer uses a single codebase written in web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Hybrid app can be installed on multiple mobile platforms like Android and iOS and it allows the developers to use the same code for all operating systems. Leverage frameworks like FlutterReact Native, and Xamarin.


·       React Native: It is developed by Facebook and besides these; it allows to build apps using JavaScript and React.

·       Flutter: It is created by Google and it uses Dart programming language and provides a rich set of widgets.

·       Ionic: Ionic uses HTML, CSS, angular, and JavaScript to build mobile applications.

·       Xamarin: Developed by Microsoft, it uses C# and .NET to create cross-platform apps.

Native mobile application:

A native app is an application that is designed for particular operating systems like iOS or Android. Developers use native programming languages and development tools to create this software application.


·       IOS: Typically developed using Swift or Objective-C.

·       Android: Developed using Kotlin or Java.

Native and hybrid mobile application difference

Native apps are the apps that build specifically for one platform, like iOS or Android but Hybrid apps are those apps that uses single codebase to work across multiple platforms.

Features of Native app:

User Experience:

·       Offers a smooth and intuitive interface

·      Feels natural to users

Access to Platform Features:

·       Provides full access to all features

·       Allows advanced functionality


·       Highly scalable

·       Seamlessly integrates with platform updates


·       Requires rigorous testing

·       Ensures compatibility and performance

Offline Functionality:

·       Offers robust offline functionality and native apps are significant to fully utilizes device storage and capabilities


·       Provides higher security

·       Leverages platform-specific encryption and security features to protect user data and ensure secure operations

Features of Hybrid app:

User Experience:

·       Smoother experience

·      May not align with platform standards

Access to Platform Features:

·       Limited access to features

·      Requires additional plugins


·       Limited access to features

·      Requires additional plugins


·       Simpler testing process due to single codebases.

Offline Functionality:

·       Limited offline functionality

·      Dependent on web technologies


·       Moderate security

·       Relies on hybrid framework’s capabilities

Performance and Speed of Native app:

Execution Speed: Optimized for maximum speed.

Responsiveness: Highly responsive to user interactions.

Resource Utilization: Efficient use of device resources.

Performance and Speed of Hybrid app:

Execution Speed: Efficient use of device resources.

Responsiveness: Efficient use of device resources.

Resource Utilization: Efficient use of device resources.

Cost and Development Efficiency of Native app:

Initial Cost: Higher due to multiple codebases.

Development timeline: Longer development cycles.

Maintenance: Maintenance cost is comparatively low due to single platform.

Cost and Development Efficiency of Hybrid app:

Initial Cost: Lower with a single codebase.

Development timeline: Faster development and deployment.

Maintenance: Ongoing costs for updates on each platform.

Platform Integration and Flexibility of Native app:

Platform Integration: Seamless integration with OS features.

Customizability: High level of customization available.

API Access: Direct access to platform-specific APIs.

Platform Integration and Flexibility of Hybrid app:

Platform Integration: Limited integration, requires plugins.

Customizability: Limited by framework constraints.

API Access: Limited by framework constraints.

When choosing between hybrid and native mobile app development, it's important to take into account the specific requirements and limitations of your project.

Native apps, developed exclusively for iOS or Android, deliver excellent performance, smooth user experience, and complete access to device features, which makes them perfect for high-performance applications. However, they involve higher costs and lengthier development periods because of the necessity for separate codebases.

Hybrid apps, which are built using a single codebase to target multiple platforms, offer a cost-effective and time-saving solution, particularly suitable for projects with limited resources and tight schedules. Although hybrid apps may not deliver the same level of performance and user experience as native apps, they are simpler to maintain and update, making them an appealing option for businesses aiming to quickly expand their audience.

The decision ultimately hinges on the performance needs, budget, timeline, and the intended audience of your project. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need guidance on choosing between native and hybrid app development for your project. Just book a meeting with our experts at Multisyn to discuss your specific needs in detail.


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